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Kathleen Peck, Director
















Kathleen Peck is the presiding elder (Pastor) of Flowing River Church and the director of the Clearwater Healing House. The Clearwater Healing House is a prophetic prayer and healing ministry equipped with trained ministry teams. She also periodically offers training and Healing School classes to equip the body of Christ to do the work of the ministry.


Kathleen has lived several years with the Mayan Indians of Quintana Roo, Mexico ministering the gospel of the Kingdom and she still continues to travel to Mexico encouraging the churches. Kathleen has also ministered and held healing school training in Bulgaria, Norway, Puerto Rico, and India. She is also the author of "Scriptamins: Daily Vitamins for Spiritual Empowerment" an interactive devotional designed to arm the believer to live in the "overcomer anointing" and co-author of "God's View Today: Adjusting the Lens on Healing & Deliverance".


Her overriding passion is to see the body of Christ restored to its full potential as the chosen Bride of Christ displaying His character, His power, and His authority. Similarly, Kathleen has a vision for the Tampa Bay region and is active in organizing regional events that emphasize unity and the Kingdom of God.


Kathleen has four married daughters and five grandchildren, four boys and a girl. All four daughters and their husbands live in Clearwater and are devoted to following the Lord Jesus Christ. 



Belle Ochs, Associate Director

Belle has been walking in the healing anointing for a number of years. Belle and her husband Chuck oversee "Updraft Ministries". Notable healings have taken place in nursing homes through "Updraft Ministries" a ministry dedicated to teaching, worship, and healing in nursing homes and Assisted Living Facilities. Belle also is an accomplished dancer and artist and is on the cutting edge of what God is doing today in the creative arts.



Dave and Irene Mundell, Associate Directors

David and Irene have ministered extensively in Zambia, Africa and also in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Many healings and signs and wonders have followed them as they have ministered and traveled preaching the gospel. Dave produces and directs "Riverviews" and "School of the Bible" on public access television. Dave and Irene have also been trained under Wayne Anderson, Cal Pierce, Charles, Francis Hunter, and Christian Healing School. They also oversee and direct "Healing River Ministries."

Healing is for you!

The Healing & Deliverance Ministry is a Jesus Christ centered healing  ministry staffed with trained ministry teams.


Call for an appointment.


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