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"The Echo of the Cross—A Crisis of Epic Proportion"

Writer's picture: Kathleen PeckKathleen Peck

Day 7 Passover to Resurrection Devotional

During the Passover, there were a few Greeks who came to Phillip asking to see Jesus. (Joh 12:21) When Phillip and Andrew made it known to Jesus, He became distressed in His soul. It was time to be lifted up to draw all men unto Himself. This evening would be His last Passover meal with His disciples.

He began to reveal His heart to His disciples. Joh 12:27 Mess. "Right now I am storm-tossed. And what am I going to say? 'Father, get me out of this'? No, this is why I came in the first place.”

Jesus’ commitment to die on the Cross created a crisis and a traumatic experience. He was the Lamb selected to take away the sins of the entire world past, present, and future. The word trauma means a deeply distressing or disturbing experience, a wound. The Cross became a global and eternal crisis. Our English word “crisis” comes from the Greek “krisis” which means judgment. It also means a “turning point in a disease, that change which indicates a recovery or death”. He was wounded for our transgressions and wounded for our diseases and pain. Death to Him, but wholeness and healing for us—a turning point.

Joh 12:31 Now is the judgment (krisis) of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out.

Now the ruler of men’s souls was to be cast out. No longer are His children to be enslaved to sin and therefore judgment. The cross was a “turning point”, a hinge for all humanity—from sickness and death to health and life eternal. This global pandemic is a crisis, a turning point.

Every crisis is our lives becomes an opportunity to glorify the Name of the Father. Can He trust us with His Name? Jesus trembled, “And what am I going to say” Father get me out of this?” Instead in obedience, He answered His own prayer, “No, this is why I came in the first place. Father, glorify Your Name!” Jesus was faithful to His call. Faithful to the Name with which He was entrusted. Our faithfulness will always bring us to an hour of crisis. Our commitment is being challenged and tested.

Nevertheless, we can be completely honest with God. “God, get me out of this!” But maybe it’s not always “getting us out”. Maybe we’re in it to win it! He wants us to display a steadfastness, a ‘determination that translates as an extermination’ to the plans of the devil. The devil is doomed to fall into his own snare.

Joh 12:28 Father, glorify Your name." Then a voice came from heaven, saying, "I have both glorified it and will glorify it again."

Joh 12:29 Therefore the people who stood by and heard it said that it had thundered. Others said, "An angel has spoken to Him."

This season is a testing of our commitment, our faithfulness to the word of faith. Those who are willing to glorify the Father and lift up His name above all other names will clearly hear His voice. Others will feel the rumble of His voice but will have no grid for the supernatural. They will compromise and say, “It’s just thunder or some natural phenomenon”. And some will say, “Oh it’s just those prophetic wahoo’s. Those crazy, tongue-talking Charismatics”.

One thing I do know, He wants us to hear His voice for ourselves and not rely on the internet, social media, or even the well-known prophets. The hour is coming when all we may have is our bible and our personal relationship with the Holy Spirit and no online anything. But right now, I am grateful for the technology to connect.

A crisis always brings us back to the Cross where darkness and wickedness have been overcome and our faith is released to conquer. Don’t let a devil tell you, “You’re not an overcomer.” No! The Cross is an echo, a sound that will not be denied! It’s not time to say “Get me out of this!”

It’s time to make this an opportunity to be the sons of light. Joh. 12:36 Believe in the Light, and you will become the light. The arm of the Lord is about to be revealed! Joh.12:38

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